martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Why did Russians adopt the vodka tradition.

"Water" or as the Russians call it "Voda" its considered to be an important tradition for all the people living there nowadays. Even though stories tell  of the Mongolians being the ones who discovered the destillation methods for vodka, the Russians adopted the techniques and thats how it became to be what it is later on.

For many reasons, this alcoholic beverage hasn´t only become a common way to celebrate or to get united with friends and family, but an important part of Russian culture. It all started when the Mongolians first attacked Russia, bringing with them the procedures for obtaining the solution from grains.

 It was also believed that the drink contained its own spirit and for that reason, it was used at religious events. A cup would be passed around, sometimes containing more than a gallon of vodka. Those who refused to drink from it would be considered impious.

From the beginning of the seventeenth century it had become a tradition for vodka to be served at Russian Imperial banquets. All meals were begun with bread and vodka.

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